Thursday, January 29, 2009


刚看完了一套新加坡片,“三个好人“ 很好看,很感人。尤其是最后那段,当觉得一切都太晚了,绝望的时候,他老婆,每一个人都给他最后一机会,让他重新来过。“惜别“ 着首歌播放着。。。我再度的落下了男儿泪。因为都是我心深感触。。。就让大家来回味一下,这首老歌,“惜别“。。。

以下是 “三个好人“ 戏内我所述说的情景,最后的片段。。。

Tuesday, January 27, 2009



夜深 2.51...

人生... 也只不过是个人生观点... 人生的交叉点,也就是人生的其中一个转变!转了个弯,有来到个交叉点,要面对的还有许多许多... 切记,只要对得起天地良心,正义... 事情就尽管去做吧!男人魅力,有两种,一,生意奸诈,二,忠而老实... 本人就比较偏向第二,但无论一或二,也没何对错,只在于人生观点, 个人的生活方式和习惯而已...

Monday, January 26, 2009



photographed by Shawn Chee

Last night was reunion night for all Chinese... me and my friends went "Guan Yim" temple to worship and wish for a prosperous new year! There are crowded and worship was truly an experience!!

I realize there not only people worship, but lots beggar were begging for spare change! I never in my life see such a scene! It is economy crisis, and will it be a poverty year? Holly Jesus!

4.20 a.m.

Wuuh... finally finished my first filter of the wedding actual day photographs... finally got the time... finally... still in need to post process the photographs... lots to do yet... some other photographs still haven't done yet... huuh...

By the way... 有些事,我知道的!随便啦,随便啦... 人生有什么好直捉的... 对得起自己良心就好了!

Sunday, January 25, 2009



Saturday, January 24, 2009

my current life cycle...

I did recover from serious sick last two days, but day after, I am sick again... truly sick... it's been nights and nights haven't get enough sleep... sigh... there is a magical cure, but I think I won't get that cure already... I have missed it... sigh...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


今晚,看电视,美国换总统了,很热闹,很盛大!我感觉不到那盛大的气氛,也没什么特别的心情。今年新年,一样的,我毫无感觉,也毫无期待。。。只知道我终于有时间好好的休息。。。这新年,我没买任何新衣裤,是 23 年以来,唯一的,完全没过新年的气氛的一年。有时,我问了问自己,我在做什么,这是我的人生吗?我几时能成功?我生命中的另一半又是谁?但我真的好怕,好怕。。。突然发现,其实对于感情,我还是个小孩子,还是抱着那单纯的想法。。。一个小孩子对感情的观念,是好是坏我不知道。。。只知道,这样,对得起天地良心咯!不是我不想改变,而是,我根本就不是这种人。只知道喜欢一个人,就会全心全意爱护她。。。

至于工作,我真的不知道,也不敢想。只知道,希望上天保佑,我选对了公司,在短期内能发光发热。。。因为本身对这行列,完全没有特定的安排,也不是很了解成功的步伐。本身是在安排着些方法,来协助自己的梦想,但能否成功,还是个问号!对于这工作的安排以工作范围,真的不是我想要的东西,而且看在薪水份上,还有些不值,以莫名的问号!最后的一句还是那句啦。。。 上天保佑。。。希望自己没白费时间,以精神。。。爱情呢,我真的没力气了。。。 只希望,能够有个机会,最后一次机会。。。

Sunday, January 18, 2009



be or not to be...

Yesterday was my first wedding photo session, needed to handle the whole photo session myself. It's a wedding anniversary actually. Client require to have it more posture shots instead shooting naturally, which is my worst nightmare, shooting lots posture shots! Two more things, which are, I am truly sick and was limited to a short set of time. By the end of the day, when I am in front of the computer, looking at all the shots, I really got fed up, and stress! 90% of the shots are rubbish, not even pass through myself, how are those shots going to pass through client's hand? And so, I compared wedding actual day and studio photography, I start wondering, if this is what I truly enjoy doing... I am so energetic while shooting wedding actual day, shooting moment naturally but hell no to studio shots, there is really no satisfaction going through the whole process! So, should I go for photojournalist or bridal photographer... Photojournalist sure is my answer, but bridal photographer... erm... is that what I want?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sick & Drunk

Been really sick these days... also, tonight I am drunk again...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Choose all...

Still remember Rubini & her husband on my previous post? Today I understand that, that day, while I am out assisting, they came for the photo selection, and I think I posted 5-6 sample, which are photographed by myself! Out of 5-6, they choose all! Sooo, happy!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wedding Day...

It's 1.30 p.m. now, and it's really tired, but I am so excited!!! This is my first wedding day photo shooting. Today is to shoot wedding dinner, and for tomorrow, it's the whole process thing, like preparing, fetching bride and stuff... cool cool... will provide some photos when things are ready, also, needed for some spare time to process all the photos.

Anyway, below attached is an indian couple (Rubini & Suresh), which I shoot a little bit during assisting yesterday at Teluk Kumpar. She is a real gorgeous I might say!! "will post two more shots of Rubi & Suresh when I am free"

hmm... realize photos are a bit less contrast after uploaded online...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

4.14 a.m.

有个要好的朋友"K",面对了些工作上的问题,谈了一整晚,从中知道我对于工作的态度已改变了,放下了身份,把一切的一切都改化为以学习的态度来面对。身为朋友的,"K", 只想告诉你,无论什么事都好,有些事发生了,你会很生气,但如果站在对方的角度去想,你回领悟很多,也会成长许多,再站在地三者的角度去看件事,你会把事情看得更明确,更清楚。身为朋友的,我不能给你太多的意见,因为始终,年龄的相差不多,人生经验不多,面对过的,不一定和你情况一模一样,所以只能做参考,需要消化!不想给于你太多的意见,只想你能够自己站在不同的角度去看某些事,而不是单方面。相信我,你真的会成长许多,也成熟许多。比如你照镜子,你一定会先把自己最好的一面展现出来,有谁会想看自己最丑的角度先呢?试试看先做步骤二,你真的会领悟另一阶段的人生,所谓,知己知彼,百战百胜!自己本身去看回自己,你才会学到更多的人生道理,人生经验!当然这不只用在于事业,感情,也一样,什么事都一样!

Friday, January 09, 2009


Realize that my Canon 30D with 50mm lens produce back focus images. Why? & while using the manual focus instead, object are in focus. Why? I'm gonna bring my camera and lens to Canon and sort this out!!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

First time...

Here is a lovely couple, name Jin & Tracia, if not mistaken... I know by law, I am not suppose to post these photos, but I don't care... Ok, this is my first time, shoot while assisting, so, it's not actually any great shots, but it's my "virgin artwork", so hopefully, by second time, there will be improvement...

Here's a shot to start with, Jin & Tracia...

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Penang Remembered 2008

it did blossom, it is fall... 12.56p.m.
"Jalan Khaw Sim Bee"

to advancement or to destroy... 1.14p.m.
"Jalan Perak"

giving way to a brand new year... 1.37p.m.
"Jalan Logan"

will time fill up the gap? 1.53p.m.
"Westlands Sport School"

art & craft, or should I retire? 2.22p.m.
"Carnarvon Street"

will time stop ticking, while candle light's off? 3.12p.m.
"Kuan Yin Temple"

worship, respect and realize... 3.30p.m.
"Kuan Yin Temple"

god blessed, a better year... 3.34p.m.
"Kuan Yin Temple"

seclusion 3.47p.m.
"Kuan Yin Temple"

Working day... 4.50p.m.
"Little India"

It's a visual account of the last 24 hour 0f year 2008

Monday, January 05, 2009

During work...

Photographed by William(That's me)

This is the photographer I assisting... normally people look me as the photographer instead. Why? I look more like one, but anyway, I will be one in near future... Hopefully...

This is me during work... packing up to another location...

Some people say I look like "陈豪" erm... Dunno... maybe my side face I guess...
By looking at the photo, I admit that I do look bored and in a bad mood, but I am not actually. Just that sometimes, when everything stop down, "memories" are uncontrolable... "she" will always be there...

Sunday, January 04, 2009


Drunk terribly...

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Babe please come back to me...

Babe please come back to me, I am desperately inneed of u... Please, babe, I am truely sorry, and please do give me one last chance to make things right, I won't dissapoint you anymore... Babe, I am truly sorry...

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Will it be my big turn out or in? Looking forward to know, but at the same time, nervous, as afraid it might be a turn out instead... God Bless Me... God Bless Me... let it be a big turn in please...