Monday, January 05, 2009

During work...

Photographed by William(That's me)

This is the photographer I assisting... normally people look me as the photographer instead. Why? I look more like one, but anyway, I will be one in near future... Hopefully...

This is me during work... packing up to another location...

Some people say I look like "陈豪" erm... Dunno... maybe my side face I guess...
By looking at the photo, I admit that I do look bored and in a bad mood, but I am not actually. Just that sometimes, when everything stop down, "memories" are uncontrolable... "she" will always be there...


Unknown said...

shes got the devil in her heart ~~~~
no no no~ this i cant believe~~~~
she's gonna tear your heart apart~~~
no, no no nay will she decieve

nicholas said...

think other la... think other hot chick... HOTTEST & SEXY CHICKS...
is rock'in time now~~~