Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rat Vs Bull

Just finished meet a friend, who I only join for the third time, and we have a great chat for like 4 hours in greenland McD. We do have close conversation, close personality / character, also one thing I would like to say about is, fate! This is what I made up the title from. In a more deeper thoughts... seems like I have alot of "tiu chew" friends... who am real close with and trust alot! He is quite special... or maybe because he is the one who have successfully calm me down from being worry of "her", he is the one who actually successfully answered all my questions, without any questions asked, and he is the one who I actually don't have to say good bye with, but feel the greet in heart. He is the one who kinda makes me feel hope in my life... Anyway, after all the conversation... again... I missed her... and I always do...


neh said...

don change "taste"..please don't~!

Tank said...

oi,,,,,ai meh,,,,, i`m not that special lah,,,,pls don fall in love with me.....hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahaha